How to Create a Magento 2 Admin Grid with a Custom Form

In this article, we will show you how to create a custom Magento 2 Admin Grid. Magento 2 Grid is a visualization of your custom database table. The admin grid can contain various options, e.g., filters, sorting, actions over multiple rows, etc. We will use a custom form to add data to our database table.

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Magento 1 to Magento 2 Migration

By now, it is widely known that in June 2020 Magento 1 will reach ‘End of Life’. It seems like there is a lot of time ahead until this happens, but it is never too early to start the migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2 platform. 

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The Best Way to Add the JavaScript Component to Magento 2

To work with JavaScript, Magento 2 uses the RequireJS library. It is a module loader that implements the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) standard for JavaScript modules. Thanks to this library, the problem of page load speed and organizing JavaScript files is solved, and the files are loaded asynchronously. JavaScript program does not pollute the global namespace and it allows you to share the code and data between modules. 

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Top 10 Features in Magento Commerce

Magento Commerce is extremely rich with features, many of which are available exclusively within the Magento 2 platform. Today, we are going to thoroughly describe the 10 features we find the most interesting and useful:

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Advanced Logging of the Magento 2 Services

Everything you need to know about the advanced logging of the Magento 2 services. Modify a file that handles all M2 API calls. Also, learn how to log the requests in a custom log file.

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The Complete Magento 2 Architecture Setup Guide for Ubuntu 16.04

In this guide, I will show you how to set up a complete scalable solution for a Magento 2 website on Ubuntu 16.04. You will use Apache web server, MariaDB for database, Redis for sessions, Varnish cache to lower load on web servers, and load balancer to balance between multiple machines.

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