MageMojo 101

Who is MageMojo?

If you are an online business owner, you are aware of the importance of a fast-running, perfectly-optimized web store. You are also aware of the fact that Magento is one of the top eCommerce platforms out there, but also one of the more complex ones, especially in terms of maintenance, support, and hosting. Speaking of these, in case you are in need of an experienced Magento software support provider, we would like to say a word or two about one of the top choices out there – MageMojo. 

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Real-time Location Updates on Android 10

Developing a mobile application that requires real-time precise location updates can be tricky. Even more so if it is supposed to deliver updates while the user is not interacting with the app.

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What’s Your System Monitoring Solution?

Prometheus and Grafana are today’s standards in the world of monitoring solutions. So, if you need an ideal system monitoring solution for the Linux environment, you should definitely consider installing these two with exporters best suited for your environment.

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How to Alter Magento 2 Functionalities

Altering Magento 2 functionalities and inserting your changes is a necessity. So, today, we will go over some basic altering methods – Observer, Plugin, and Preference/Rewrite in your module and in your theme where you can override .phtml, .css, .xml, and .js files.

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Syncit Group’s Athena Search – Built for eCommerce

Why is Search so important for eCommerce websites? Because it guides the users through the sales funnel directly to the purchase. As such, it represents the most important functionality on your site.

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To Be or Not to Be – A Developer?

An interesting question has crossed my mind some time ago. How does a developer perceive their profession? Not being one, I knew I could not answer this question myself. So, I decided to perform research in order to find out the answer. 

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